Positive Messages for Bloomingdale Gazette
Posted on Apr 17th, 2020
From: Joy Boisselle
Editor, Bloomingdale Gazette
I am asking all of you to please spread the word! The BL Gazette wants to spread a message of positivity in the coming months. Our page count has been cut to 12 pages by the Tampa Bay Times and we are now publishing on the first WEDNESDAY of each month. May 6 is the delivery date for the next issue.
I am looking for photos (hi-res, >1mb) illustrating how residents, schools, businesses, pets, etc are handling the pandemic. My goal is to have the May issue be an issue of positivity.
I am also accepting senior grad pictures, ask them to send name, high school, school/college attending. If a parent sends, they can send a message of congratulations as well. This is NO charge.
I am also looking for porch portraits of our fantastic families, chalk messages, and anything that helps us get through this time.
Help us make the BL Gazette a source of smiles! Please SHARE!
Please send information to: bloomingdale.homeowners@gmail.com or